The Parish Council is the first tier of local government. There are 27 Parish Councils in South Staffordshire, of which Bilbrook is one.
Parish Councils form an important part of the local government system, particularly in rural areas ensuring communities like Bilbrook have a voice. The Parish Council provides a grassroots representation of the community and forms a significant channel of communication to the relevant local authorities and other regional bodies and agencies.
Central Government increasingly recognises the value of parish councils, who can make decisions and spend money on matters that make a real difference to their local community.
Click here to see the 13 elected Parish Councillors for Bilbrook.
Contact about:
- Allotments (Pendeford Mill Lane)
- Annual Christmas Illuminations and Christmas Light Switch On Event
- Annual Act of Remembrance (with the Church of the Holy Cross)
- Flowers and planters around the Village
- Grass Cutting (Twentyman Playing fields & Bilbrook Village Green)
- Jubilee walks
- Neighbourhood Plan
- Planning (Statutory Consultee)
- Play areas and play equipment (MUGA, Play Park, Skate Park & Outdoor Gym Equipment)
- Street furniture (Benches, Bus shelters, Heritage signs, Noticeboards)
- The Old Village Green
- The Village Green
- The War Memorial
Tel: 01902 840007