Where are Bilbrook Allotments? – Bilbook allotments are located near Bilbrook Recycle Centre off Pendeford Mill Lane (see the map below) There are 48 half plots approximately 120m2 in size.
What is an allotment? A small area of land that a person can rent to grow fruit and vegetables on[1]
Why rent an allotment? There is nothing like growing seasonal fresh fruit and vegetables. When picked and eaten soon after, they are much tastier than shop-bought produce. It is also generally a lot cheaper to grow fruit and vegetables than buying them from the shop. What’s more, you are also much more likely to get your “5 a day”. There are other benefits too:
- Working your plot will keep you physically fit.
- Being in the sunshine is a good source of Vitamin D for the body which amongst other things promotes healthy bones, teeth and muscles[2].
- Being outside is good for your mental health and instils a sense of wellbeing and calm.
- Working your plot with family can be fun and is an excellent way of bonding with them.
- You will meet other plot holders of a variety of ages and backgrounds.
- You can learn new skills which can lead to you successfully growing your own food. This gives you a sense of achievement and is great for your self-esteem.
- it is good for the environment because growing your own food will reduce your carbon footprint compared to buying it packaged from a shop that may have flown it in from other countries.
How much does an allotment cost? Bilbrook Parish Council currently only rents out half plots. The season runs from 1st January to 31st December. The cost is £20 a year for a half plot.
How to apply for an allotment? There is currently a waiting list in operation. Please email Bilbrook Parish Council at assistant@bilbrookparishcouncil.gov.uk , call 01902 840007 or complete the form below to join the waiting list. Priority is given to Bilbrook residents.
Allotments Privacy Notice
Data Protection – What you need to know.
Data Controller – We Bilbrook Parish Council are a ‘controller’ of your personal data (“your information”). Our address is Bilbrook Village Hall, Joey’s Lane, Bilbrook WV8 1JL. Our telephone number is 01902 840007.
Purpose and Lawful Basis of Processing – We store and process your information to enable us to progress applications for allotments. We do so in the public interest.
Who We May Share Information with – Your details will not be shared with anyone without your permission.
Retention – Your details will be kept on our waiting list which is kept in electronic format until you either take up a plot or ask for it to be removed.
Your rights – You have the right to request access to your information; to have incorrect information rectified; to have your information erased and to have our use of your information restricted.
Complaints – If you are unhappy about the way we have processed your information please speak to the Clerk to the Parish Council in the first instance. However, notwithstanding this, you do have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner.