Bilbrook Neighbourhood Plan Informal Consultation on Local Heritage
Bilbrook Parish Council is preparing a Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish. As part of our ongoing efforts to develop a comprehensive and forward-thinking Neighbourhood Plan for Bilbrook, we are creating a policy that recognises that protecting our local Heritage preserves local identity, fosters pride, and strengthens social bonds by celebrating shared history and culture. It boosts local economies through tourism, job creation, and increased investment while promoting sustainable practices. Protecting heritage facilitates cultural exchange, recognition, and the continuity of traditions for future generations.
This informal consultation includes maps showing the current non-designated, ie not nationally or locally listed, sites in Bilbrook. The Plan seeks to recognise the importance of these areas, and we would like your input into whether we’ve got the areas right, whether there are any more sites we should consider, and let us know any more evidence that you have for the sites we want to protect.
How to have your say:
View the list of sites with maps below, and our document giving our evidence of why we believe these sites should be protected.
View a hard copy of the plans at:
- Drop-in events at Bilbrook’s Coffee Pop-In, Holy Cross Church, Bilbrook Road between 10am and 11:30am on 13th January, or at Bilbrook Village Hall, Joey’s Lane between 6pm and 7pm
- Bilbrook Parish Council, Bilbrook Village Hall, Joey’s Lane, Bilbrook WV8 1JL (please call 01902 840007 to make an appointment to view)
This informal consultation runs from 13/01/2025 until 03/02/2025
Representations can be made via:
- Completing the online form at:
- via email to:; or
- by post to: The Assistant Clerk, Bilbrook Parish Council, Bilbrook Village Hall, Joey’s Lane, Bilbrook WV8 1JL
Post or email responses should reference the relevant Heritage site(s) to which the comment relates.
Bilbrook’s Non-Designated Heritage Sites
- 65 Bilbrook Road, WV8 1ER
- Ivy Cottage, Bilbrook Road WV8 1EU
- Laurel Cottage, 34 Bilbrook Road WV8 1EU
- Holy Cross Church, Bilbrook Road WV8 1EU
- The Woodman Public House, 2 Duck Lane, WV8 1HZ
- Pendeford Mill, Pendeford Mill Nature Reserve, Pendeford Hall Lane WV9 5ES
- Pendeford Mill Wardens’ Cottages, Pendeford Hall Lane WV9 5ET
- The Old Vicarage, Bilbrook Road WV8 1EU
- Bilbrook War Memorial, Bilbrook Village Green WV8 1JA
- Sandstone walls outside 24-32 Bilbrook Road WV8 1EX
- Sandstone walls outside 31-33 Bilbrook Road WV8 1EU
- Sandstone walls outside 41-45 Bilbrook Road WV8 1ER
- Sandstone walls outside 1 Benfield WV8 1SS and 47-49 Bilbrook Road WV8 1ER
- Sandstone wall outside 65 Bilbrook Road WV8 1ER
- Sandstone kerb outside 62-64 Bilbrook Road WV8 1ER
- Sandstone Walls adjacent to Pendeford Hall Residential Park, Lawn Lane WV9 5ES
- Mill Race Culvert at the north-west corner of Twentyman’s Playing Field (entrance to Hubbard’s Field), WV8 1ES
- Shropshire Union Canal Wharf, north of Bridge 4, Wobaston Road WV9 5BD
- Victorian Stink Pipe Vent, Birches Road, WV8 2JR
- Treetops Dental Surgery, Duck Lane WV8 1HF
View and download our evidence document HERE.