Councillor Induction Information
- Meeting Dates – These are subject to change
- Current Councillors – Please check your details & memberships are correct. If you would like to add some extra information about yourself, please email the details to
- Agenda Request Form For councillors to request an agenda item.
- Minutes of previous meetings
- Policies, Procedures & terms of reference (Committees/Working groups) including:
- The Code of Conduct
- The Standing Orders
- The Financial Regulations
- Register of Pecuniary Interests Form It is recommended that councillors complete this electronically, keep a copy on their own computer and send a copy to the clerk. This means it is easier to update if circumstances change. The forms must be physically signed (i.e. no scanned signatures)
- Dispensation Procedure & Form Enables Councillors to take part in a discusion in which they have an interest.
- Council Finances including:
- Budget Summary
- The Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR)
- Transparency Code for Smaller Councils (Adopted as best practice)
- As a member of NALC, councillors can access a wealth of information. Please login first before clicking on the link:
Login: staffsmember
Password: wogok32
- The Good Councillor’s Guide (Hard copy available from the office)
- The Good Councillor’s Guide to Finance and Transparency
- The Good Councillor’s Guide to Neighbourhood Planning
- The Good Councillor’s Guide to Being a Good Employer
- Roles and Responsibilities – Clerk, Councillors, Chairman
- Declaration of Acceptance of Office – Elected Councillor / Co-Opted Councillor
- Councillor Contact Details Form & Consent Form
- Parish Staff – The Parish Council currently employs 7 part-time staff
- The Parish Office – opening hours and contact details
- Bilbrook Parish Council has the General Power of Competence
- Parish Maps
- Planning – All planning applications can be found on the District Council Planning Portal. It is recommended that you set up an account and track Bilbrook’s planning applications. Below are additional links to useful planning guidance: